Braze is a customer engagement platform that helps you better understand your customers' in-app behavior and use the insights to improve your users' app experience.

RudderStack supports Braze as a destination where you can seamlessly send your event data.

Find the open source transformer code for this destination in the GitHub repository.

Getting started

Before configuring Braze as a destination in RudderStack, verify if the source platform is supported by Braze by referring to the table below:

Connection ModeWebMobileServer
Device modeSupportedSupported-
Cloud modeSupportedSupportedSupported
To know more about the difference between cloud mode and device mode in RudderStack, refer to the RudderStack Connection Modes guide.

Once you have confirmed that the source platform supports sending events to Braze, follow these steps:

  1. From your RudderStack dashboard, add a source. Then, from the list of destinations, select Braze.
  2. Assign a name to the destination and click on Continue.

Connection settings

To successfully configure Braze as a destination, you need to configure the following settings:

Braze connection settings
  • App Key: Enter your Braze app key.
  • REST API Key: Enter the REST API key associated with your project.
When creating a new Braze Rest API Key for your app, you only need to select the users.track, users.identify, and endpoints under the User Data permissions.
For more information on obtaining your Braze app key and the REST API key, refer to the FAQ section below.
  • Data Center: Specify the data center associated with your Braze account. The easiest way to get your data center details is to log into your Braze account and observing your URL. Some examples are shown below:
For more information on getting your data center instance, refer to the Braze instances page.
  • Track events for anonymous users: Enable this setting to track anonymous users.
  • Client-side Events Filtering: This setting lets you specify which events should be blocked or allowed to flow through to Braze.
For more information on this setting, refer to the Client-side Events Filtering guide.
  • Use device mode to send events: Enable this setting to send events to Braze via the device mode.
  • OneTrust Cookie Categories: This setting lets you associate the OneTrust cookie consent groups to Braze.

Adding device mode integration

Depending on your platform of integration, follow the steps below to add Braze to your project:

Follow these steps to add Braze to your iOS project:
  1. Open the Podfile of your project and add the following line:
    pod 'Rudder-Braze'
  2. Run the pod install command.
  3. Finally, change the SDK initialization to the following snippet:
    RudderConfigBuilder *builder = [[RudderConfigBuilder alloc] init];
    [builder withDataPlaneUrl:<DATA_PLANE_URL>];
    [builder withFactory:[RudderBrazeFactory instance]];
    [RudderClient getInstance:<WRITE_KEY>; config:[builder build]];
To add Braze to your Android project, follow these steps:
  1. Open your app/build.gradle (Module: app) file, and add the following:
    repositories {
    maven { url "" }
  2. Add the following under dependencies section:
    implementation '[1.0,2.0)'
    implementation '[1.0.7,)'
    implementation ''
  3. Add the following permissions to the AndroidManifest.xml file:
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
  4. Finally, change the SDK initialization to the following:
    val rudderClient: RudderClient = RudderClient.getInstance(
To add Braze to your React Native project, follow these steps:
  1. Add the RudderStack-Braze module to your app by running the following command:
    npm install @rudderstack/rudder-integration-braze-react-native
    yarn add @rudderstack/rudder-integration-braze-react-native
  2. Open your android/build.gradle file (Project level), and add the following:
    repositories {
    maven { url "" }
  3. Import the module you added above and add it to your SDK initialization code as shown:
    import rudderClient from "@rudderstack/rudder-sdk-react-native"
    import braze from "@rudderstack/rudder-integration-braze-react-native"
    const config = {
    dataPlaneUrl: DATA_PLANE_URL,
    trackAppLifecycleEvents: true,
    withFactories: [braze],
    rudderClient.setup(WRITE_KEY, config)
Follow the below steps to add Braze to your Flutter Project:
  1. Add the following dependency to the dependencies section of your pubspec.yaml file.
    rudder_integration_braze_flutter: ^1.0.1
  2. Run the below command to install the dependency added in the above step:
    flutter pub get
  3. Import the RudderIntegrationBrazeFlutter in your application where you are initializing the SDK.
    import 'package:rudder_integration_braze_flutter/rudder_integration_braze_flutter.dart';
  4. Finally, change the initialization of your RudderClient as shown:
    final RudderController rudderClient = RudderController.instance;
    RudderConfigBuilder builder = RudderConfigBuilder();
    rudderClient.initialize(<WRITE_KEY>, config:, options: null);


You can use the identify call to identify a user in Braze in any of the following cases:

  • When the user registers to the app for the first time.
  • When they log into their app.
  • When they update their information.

A sample identify call is shown below:

"1hKOmRA4GRlm", {
email: "",
name: "Alex Keener"

Deleting a user

You can delete a user in Braze using the Suppression with Delete regulation of the RudderStack Data Regulation API.

To delete a user, you can specify their userId or any custom identifier in the event.

A sample regulation request body for deleting a user in Braze is shown below:

"regulationType": "suppress_with_delete",
"destinationIds": [
"users": [{
"userId": "1hKOmRA4GRlm",
"<customKey>": "<customValue>"


The track call lets you record the customer events, that is, the actions that they perform, along with any properties associated with them.

A sample track call is shown below:

rudderanalytics.track("Product Added", {
numberOfRatings: "12",
name: "item 1",

Order Completed

When you call the track method for an Order Completed event, RudderStack sends the product information present in the event to Braze as purchases.

A sample Order Completed event is shown below:

rudderanalytics.track("Order Completed", {
userId: "1hKOmRA4GRlm",
currency: "USD",
products: [{
product_id: "123454387",
name: "Game",
price: 15.99


The page call allows you to record your website's page views, with the additional relevant information about the viewed page.

A samplepage call is as shown below:"Cart", "Cart Viewed", {
path: "/cart",
referrer: "",
search: "term",
title: "test_item",
url: "",


You can use the group call to link an identified user with a group, such as a company, organization, or an account."12345", {
name: "MyGroup",
industry: "IT",
employees: 450,
plan: "basic"

Once you send a group event, RudderStack sends a custom attribute to Braze with the name as ab_rudder_group_<groupId> and the value as true. For example, if the groupId is 123456, then RudderStack creates a custom attribute with the name ab_rudder_group_123456 and sends it to Braze with its value to true.


Where can I find the Braze App Key and REST API Key?

To obtain your Braze App Key and REST API Key, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Braze dashboard.
  2. Go to Settings > Developer Console.
  3. You can find the REST API key for your app under the Identifier column, as shown:
Braze REST API Key
  1. You can find your Braze App Key in the Identification section, as shown:
Braze App Key

Contact us

For more information on the topics covered on this page, email us or start a conversation in our Slack community.

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