RudderStack lets you send your event data to Iterable via the device mode using the native web SDK.

You can use this connection mode to dynamically send web in-app messages to your customers along with customized push notifications.
Find the open source JavaScript SDK code for this destination in the GitHub repository.


For the identify call, RudderStack uses either Iterable's setEmail or setUserId method to identify a given user. You can configure this using the Identifier to identify a user over a session setting in the RudderStack dashboard.

Making an identify call is necessary to associate the track events and trigger the web push notifications for an identified user.
By default, RudderStack prioritizes email over userId.

A sample identify call is shown below:

rudderanalytics.identify("", {
"email": ""
},{ "integrations": {

When you call identify, RudderStack initializes the SDK using the email/userId and the JWT token from the integrations object.

RudderStack does not automatically generate JWT tokens on the users' behalf to initialize the Iterable web SDK for security reasons. You need to set a specific authorization logic within your web app to generate a JWT before you can start making requests using the SDK.
To generate the JWT token for initializing the Iterable web SDK, refer to the Iterable support page.


RudderStack supports the following three types of track events in the web device mode:

Purchase events

You can map certain track events to Iterable's purchase events (API reference) by specifying them in the Mapping to trigger the purchase events setting of the RudderStack dashboard, as shown:

Iterable connection settings

A sample track call for a purchase event is shown below:

rudderanalytics.track("purchase event", {
checkout_id: "12345",
order_id: "1234",
affiliation: "Apple Store",
total: 20,
revenue: 15.0,
shipping: 22,
tax: 1,
discount: 1.5,
coupon: "ImagePro",
currency: "USD",
products: [{
product_id: "123",
sku: "G-15",
name: "Chess",
price: 14,
quantity: 1,
category: "Games",
url: "",
image_url: "",

The following table lists the mappings between the RudderStack event properties and the Iterable properties in case of the purchase events:

RudderStack propertyIterable property

The above properties can be passed in any of the following ways:

  • properties object (for a single product), as shown in the above table.
  • products array as multiple objects (for multiple products), for example, properties.products[0].name. One example where you can have an array of products is the Order Completed event.

getInAppMessages events

You can send this type of track events to track the users in-app activities and accordingly display pop-up messages and push notifications for them. The below image shows an example of a web push notification:

web push notifications iterable

You can map these events by specifying them in the Mapping to trigger the getInApp messages setting of the RudderStack dashboard, as shown:

Iterable connection settings

You can also customize the display configuration for the push notifications using the In-app message settings in the RudderStack dashboard.

In case multiple getInAppMessages events are triggered, the SDK delivers all the queued in-app notifications.

A sample track call mapped to Iterable's getInAppMessages events is shown below:

rudderanalytics.track("trigger event",{})

Custom events

RudderStack sends all the track events that are not mapped to Iterable's purchase events or getInAppMessages events as custom events.

A sample custom track event is shown below:

"custom event", {
custom_id: "22222",
name: "Some item",
website_url: "",

The following table lists the mappings between the RudderStack event properties and the Iterable properties in case of the custom events:

RudderStack propertyIterable property
Required, if email is not present.
Required, if userId is not present.

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