Auth0 is a popular solution used by many companies to add authentication and authorization services to their applications.

You can now send login and signup-related events to RudderStack whenever Auth0 generates an authentication log by adding an Auth0 Authentication API webhook extension that points to RudderStack.

Starting May 4, 2022, the recommended Authentication API webhook is no longer supported by Auth0. As a result, this integration is deprecated. For more information, refer to the Auth0 docs.

Getting started

Follow these steps to set up your Auth0 source in the RudderStack dashboard:

  1. Go to your RudderStack dashboard and click Add Source. From the list of Event Streams sources, select Auth0.
  2. Assign a name to your source and click Continue*.
  3. Your Auth0 source is now configured. Note the source Write key required to configure the endpoint URL.
Auth0 source write key
  1. Head over to your Auth0 account and navigate to the Extensions page from the sidebar.
  2. Look for the extension Auth0 Authentication API webhooks, as shown:
Auth0 API webhook
  1. After selecting this option, you should be able to see the extension installation page, as shown:
Auth0 extension installation page
  1. At the bottom, select the LOG_TYPES option for which you want to forward the events to RudderStack.
Auth0 log types
  1. Add the WEBHOOK_URL as shown on the source settings page in your RudderStack dashboard.
Auth0 webhook URL

The webhook URL is of the following format:


A sample webhook URL is shown below:
For more information on the data plane URL, refer to the Glossary.
Make sure you add the source write key obtained in Step 3 as a query parameter to the URL. This is required to prevent the webhook from failing for the lack of a valid write key.

Then, continue with the rest of the steps as listed below:

  1. Keep the authorization section as blank.
  2. You can disable the SEND_AS_BATCH setting to receive the events in separate requests. However, we recommend setting it to Enabled.
  3. Finally click on INSTALL to install the webhook on your Auth0 dashboard.

Event transformation

The Auth0 webhook events are ingested into RudderStack after converting them in a RudderStack event format. The user_id set by Auth0 is converted to userId.

The following table lists the properties populated from the Auth0 event payload directly to the RudderStack event:

Auth0 PropertyRudderStack Property
detailsproperties.details NOTE: These are the unmodified details sent by Auth0.


If you're unable to see any events flowing from the Auth0 API webhooks to RudderStack, you can troubleshoot the issue by viewing the API webhooks logs. To do so, go to your Auth0 dashboard and navigate to Monitoring > Logs.

Refer to the Auth0 documentation for more information on troubleshooting your webhook.

Contact us

For more information on the topics covered on this page, email us or start a conversation in our Slack community.

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