Facebook Pixel is a simple JavaScript snippet that you can add to your website and track visitor activity as well as other important metrics required to build effective marketing and advertising campaigns.

RudderStack leverages the Conversions API for sending server-side events to this destination.
Find the open source transformer code for this destination in the GitHub repository.

Getting started

Before configuring Facebook Pixel as a destination in RudderStack, verify if the source platform is supported by Facebook Pixel, by referring to the table below:

Connection ModeWebMobileServer
Device modeSupported--
Cloud modeSupportedSupportedSupported
To know more about the difference between cloud mode and device mode in RudderStack, refer to the RudderStack Connection Modes guide.

Once you have confirmed that the source platform supports sending events to Facebook Pixel, follow these steps:

  1. From your RudderStack dashboard, add the source. Then, from the list of destinations, select Facebook Pixel.
  2. Assign a name to your destination and click on Continue.

Connection settings

To successfully configure Facebook Pixel as a destination, you will need to configure the following settings:

Connection settings

The following sections explain these settings in more detail.

  • Facebook Pixel ID: Enter your Facebook Pixel ID. This is required for sending events via both cloud and device modes.
  • Business Access Token: Enter your Facebook business access token required to send the events via the cloud mode.
For more information on obtaining your Facebook Pixel ID and Business Access Token, refer to the FAQ section below.

Event settings

Connection settings
  • Map Categories to Facebook Content Types: This option lets you specify the category fields to specific Facebook content type.
  • Enable Standard Event (PageView) for all Page and Screen Calls: If this setting is enabled, RudderStack sets pageview as a standard event for all the page and screen calls.
  • Map your events with Facebook Standard Events: This option lets you map your events to the standard events defined by Facebook.
  • Standard Events custom properties: For the standard events, some predefined properties are taken by Facebook. If you want to send more properties for your events, mention those properties in this field.
  • Value Field Identifier: You can set this field to properties.price or properties.value. RudderStack will then assign this to the value field of the Facebook payload.
  • Enable Advanced Matching: Enable this setting to update the user information in Facebook Pixel via an identify call.

PII properties settings

  • Denylist PII Properties: The PII properties mentioned in this field will not be sent to Facebook if Denylist PII Hash Property is not enabled. If it is enabled, the properties will be SHA256-hashed and sent to Facebook. The properties listed below are the default denylisted properties.
Default denylisted PII
If you want to send any of the above properties hashed by SHA256, you need to enter the property name in the Denylist PII Properties field and enable the Denylist PII Hash Property toggle.
  • Allowlist PII Properties: The PII properties mentioned in this field will be sent to Facebook if they are present in the properties of the events. This is only necessary for properties that match the Default Denylisted PII properties listed above.

Other settings

Connection settings
  • Limited Data Usage: If enabled, RudderStack will take the data processing information from the payload and send it to Facebook. The data in the RudderStack payload should be as shown below:
"context": {
"dataProcessingOptions": [
"fbc": "fb.1.1554763741205.AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz1234567890",
"fbp": "fb.1.1554763741205.234567890",
"fb_login_id": "fb_id",
"lead_id": "lead_id",
"device": {
"id": "df16bffa-5c3d-4fbb-9bce-3bab098129a7R",
"manufacturer": "Xiaomi",
"model": "Redmi 6",
"name": "xiaomi"
"network": {
"carrier": "AirCarrier"
"os": {
"name": "android",
"version": "8.1.0"
"screen": {
"height": "100",
"density": 50
"traits": {
"email": "john@example.com",
"anonymousId": "c82cbdff-e5be-4009-ac78-cdeea09ab4b1"
  • Use as Test Destination: Enable this setting if you are using this destination for testing purposes and enter the Test Event Code. This code can be found in your Facebook Pixel dashboard. When enabled, you can check your events in the Facebook Pixel dashboard in real time.
The context.dataProcessingOptions will be mapped to data_processing_options in Facebook as is mentioned in the Facebook developer docs.

Client-side event filtering

RudderStack supports specifying which events should be discarded or allowed to flow through, when sending events via the device mode. For more information, refer to the Client-side Event Filtering documentation.

Web device mode settings

Connection settings
  • Use Updated Mapping: If this setting is disabled, RudderStack will send the identify traits as received. If this setting is enabled, RudderStack takes the following identify traits:
firstName: "Alex",
lastName: "Keener",
email: "alex@example.com",
phone: "12345678910",
gender: "Male",
birthday: "01012001",
city: "New Orleans",
country: "USA",
zip: "90009",
state: "Louisiana",
foo: "bar",

RudderStack then changes the traits as shown below, before sending them to Facebook:

fn: "Alex",
ln: "Keener",
em: "alex@example.com",
ph: "12345678910",
ge: "Male",
db: "01012001",
ct: "New Orleans",
country: "USA",
zp: "90009",
state: "Louisiana",
foo: "bar"
  • Legacy Conversion Pixel IDs: With this setting, you can send specific events to a legacy conversion Pixel by specifying the event-Pixel ID mapping. Note that this option is available only when sending events via the device mode.

  • Use device-mode to send events: Enable this setting to send events from the JavaScript SDK to Facebook Pixel via the device mode.

  • Finally, click on Next to complete the configuration.


In Facebook Pixel, the immediate updating of user properties via the identify call is not supported. To do so, you need to enable the Enable Advanced Matching setting in the RudderStack dashboard.

The following snippet highlights the use of the identify call:

rudderanalytics.identify("userId", userVars) // userVars is a JSON object

To send external_id via the web device mode, you need to include and send it via an identify call before making any other call.

For more information on implementing Advanced Matching in the web device mode, refer to the Facebook documentation.


When you make the page call, RudderStack sends the data to Facebook Pixel with the event type as pageView. You can also pass properties to page - RudderStack automatically sends these properties along with the event ID to Pixel.

A sample page call is as shown:



The track call lets you track custom events as they occur in your web application.

A sample call looks like the following code snippet:

rudderanalytics.track("Product Added", {
order_ID: "123",
category: "boots",
product_name: "yellow_cowboy_boots",
price: 99.95,
currency: "EUR",
revenue: 2000,
value: 3000,
checkinDate: "Thu Mar 24 2018 17:46:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)",

In addition to the above call, a contentType in the integrations options can be available. If present, it will precede the default value or dashboard settings of contentType.

"Product Added",
order_ID: "123",
category: "boots",
product_name: "yellow_cowboy_boots",
price: 99.95,
currency: "EUR",
revenue: 2000,
value: 3000,
checkinDate: "Thu Mar 24 2018 17:46:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)",
"Facebook Pixel": { contentType: "mycustomtype" },
String is the only valid data type for the category field. However, you can pass an array of string values which will be concatenated using a delimiter (,) before sending the events.

Standard events

In the dashboard, you have the option to map your events to standard Facebook events. RudderStack maps the events in the code and sends them to Facebook pixel as the standard event as specified. The properties will be sent according to what the standard event requires.

Refer to the E-commerce Events Specification guide for more information.

RudderStack maps the following events to the Facebook standard events:

RudderStack EventFacebook Standard Event
Product List ViewedViewContent
Product ViewedViewContent
Product AddedAddToCart
Order CompletedPurchase
Products SearchedSearch
Checkout StartedInitiateCheckout

Note that:

  • For the Products Searched event, the query property must be a string.
  • You need to specify currency in the Order Completed event. If not specified, RudderStack will set the default value to USD.

Other standard events

If you map your event to any of the following Standard Events listed below, then RudderStack will treat it as an Other Standard Event. For any properties you would like to send with the other standard event you must specify them in the Standard Events custom properties settings field.


Legacy events

In the dashboard, the legacy conversion Pixel IDs can be filled. The events which appear in the mapping are sent to Pixel with the mapped Pixel ID. The conversion events only support currency and value as their event properties.

This feature is only available when sending events via the device mode.

Custom events

Custom events are used to send any event that does not appear in any of the mappings.


Facebook Pixel allows you to send events via your web browser and your server via the Conversion API. Depending on how you send your events, with this duel set-up, redundant events may be received by Facebook. Therefore, to help get accurate representation of your data, Facebook tries to deduplicate events coming in.

For more information on Facebook Deduplication, refer to this article.

Facebook's (and RudderStack's) recommended form of deduplication is to leverage the event_name and event_id properties. When two events coming into Facebook meet the following criteria, they will be deduplicated.

  • They are sent within 48 hours of each other
  • They are received by the same Facebook Pixel ID
  • They have the same event_name i.e. Purchase etc.
  • They have the same event_id
    • The event_id must be unique to that specific event and the same for both of the events coming from the Pixel and Conversion API
    • For example: the event_id could be the purchase order number etc.

You can set the event_id in traits , context.traits or properties object as a unique identifier. This works for both the cloud mode as well as the device mode.

If you don't set the event_id, RudderStack will use messageId to map to Facebook's eventId.

The event_name will be picked up from the name of the event.

For more information regarding the logic behind the event_id deduplication, refer to the Facebook documentation.

For this approach, it is necessary to send an event, first from the browser, then from the server. Both events must have the same event_name, and the same fbp parameter and the same external_id. If the browser event is received before the server event and both events have the same event_name and the same fbp and external_id, then the server event will be discarded. Below are a few shortcomings for this deduplication method.

  • It will always discard the server event is Facebook identifies a redundant event.
  • This method only works for deduplicating events sent first from the browser and then the server.
  • There will be no deduplication if two consecutive browser events with the same information are sent to Facebook. The same is true if two server events with the same information is sent to Facebook

RudderStack maps the event_name from whatever the name of the event that is being sent is. The fbp parameter is taken from the context.fbp key-value pair. Finally, the external_id will just be the userId or anonymousId (if userId is not present).

For more information regarding the logic behind the fbp and external_id deduplication, refer to the Facebook documentation.


Facebook Pixel uses ISO 8601 timestamp without the timezone information. It expects the timestamp to be sent in the following format:

"checkinDate", "checkoutDate", "departingArrivalDate", "departingDepartureDate", "returningArrivalDate", "returningDepartureDate", "travelEnd", "travelStart"


Where can I find the Pixel ID?

To get your Pixel ID, go to your Facebook Ads Manager account. On the left navigation bar, select Business Tools, and click on Events Manager under Manage Business.

screen shot 2021 03 03 at 1 22 01 pm

In the Data Sources, you should be able to see your Pixel ID underneath your site name.

screen shot 2021 03 03 at 1 19 03 pm

Where can I find the Business Access Token?

In order to use the Facebook Conversions API, you need to generate an access token. We recommend using the Facebook Events Manager to do so, by following these steps:

  • Choose the relevant Facebook Pixel and click on the Settings tab.
  • In the Conversions API section, click on Generate access token under the Set up manually section, as shown:
screen shot 2021 03 03 at 1 44 33 pm
For more information on how to use this access token or to generate your access token via your own app, refer to the Facebook documentation.

Can I hash my user data before sending it to RudderStack?

Yes. Facebook Pixel requires all user data, data coming from context.traits, to be hashed. This includes email, phone, birthday, address, etc. By default, RudderStack will automatically hash all of the necessary properties for you. However, if you would like to hash these traits before sending to RudderStack then you need to add this code to the event.

{ some_properties },
integrations: {
"Facebook Pixel": {
hashed: true,

The integrations object with these key-values will tell RudderStack not to hash the traits in context.traits because they are already hashed. Otherwise, RudderStack will hash your data again and Facebook will not be able to match the traits. Please keep in mind that Facebook will not accept un-hashed data.

I can see my events being sent in the RudderStack dashboard but are not visible in the Facebook Pixel dashboard. What might be the reason?

It may take upto 24 hrs for your events to reflect in the Facebook Pixel dashboard.
You can also verify if your events are flowing correctly by enabling the Use as Test Destination setting in the RudderStack dashboard. It reflects the events in the Facebook Pixel dashboard in real time.

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